As many of you know, we made a trip to Washington DC in August to attend the "Restoring Honor" Rally. We went with my Sister Kim, and Darrin and Liza Larsen and we had a blast.
We by no means are political activist, nor was this a political event, but we felt this gathering was different than any in history and we wanted to be there. It was Organized by Glenn Beck, and proceeds benefited the Wounded Warrior Foundation.
Like the ghostly shoeless Joe Jackson in the movie "field of Dreams” I seemed drawn to this event like I was supposed to be there. The real theme of the event, and I think what excited me (a guy who does not travel) and so many other Americans to travel to Washington, was the message of faith and personal accountability. A message we don't hear enough in today's society, at least not publicly. A message that restoring honor “in our self first” is the only real change we can or should believe in, and until that happens we cannot expect it from Washington.
The whole weekend seemed to transcend politics by bringing people of all faiths together to confirm those beliefs we have in common, that God loves us, that America did not just happen by accident, but by divine providence, that its founding was a miracle, its constitution inspired and the belief in the unique idea that man, if taught correct principles ( religion), can govern himself. This American experiment has lead to the creation of the most free, the most prosperous, most powerful and most generous nation in the history of mankind. The importance of knowing our true history and teaching it to our children was also a stressed.
Just as important was the message that our country has not always been good, that we live with the scars of our mistakes and have suffered because of them but must not focus on them or exploit them for political power. Like individual sin, as a nation we must learn from those mistakes, turn to God and become better through his redemptive power. Redemption is real! It was a moving experience, an awakening, and I felt like I had wet eyes all weekend. From the Lincoln Memorial, to a religious event on Friday where Chuck Norris made me cry like a baby, (not with a round-house kick, but buy reading the words of Washington, Jefferson and Adams), to Mount Vernon, to the Rally itself and Arlington National Cemetery. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and left proud, humbled and with a desire to be a better American.
Thomas Jefferson said if we are to preserve history we need to include it in architecture. These giant stone memorials do just that. The Gettysburg Address as well as both Lincoln's inaugural addresses are inscribe inside the walls. It is a sacred place.
A special program was put on by Glenn and his wife on Friday night at the Kennedy Center. Tickets were impossible to get but we thought we had an in. Amber, Kim and myself showed up at the VIP desk hours before hoping there were tickets for us but no luck. After talking to the girls at Mercury radio and telling them our story, and waiting for 2 1/2 hours, they hooked us up. We were stoked! We made a mad dash to the Hotel to get Darrin and Liza and change cloths and took a wild cab ride back to the Kennedy center. This night was full of gospel music, short sermons from five different Preachers, Pastors and a Rabbi, words from the founding fathers were read, history was taught, and Glenn gave a short but moving talk. It was a diverse group of Religious leaders all brought together by a common theme. That is that Faith in God was key to the founding of our nation and must continue to be if we are to remain a free people.
An hour before the rally on Saturday the mall was full from Lincoln to Washington. There is power in unity and unity is essential to our nations future. The powers at work to divide us on every level are deliberate and toxic, but there is something good happening in our country. After standing shoulder to shoulder with close to a half million fellow patriots of all Faiths, I believe we will weather the coming storms and probably be better for it. There may still be pain in our future, but If we turn to God in word and deed, acknowledge his hand in all things and seek his guidance, miracles will happen.
Mount Vernon was incredible! Washington was an amazing man. Talk about honor! This guy wrote the book. One thing that was said at the Rally that has stayed with me is, "our generation may not have the next Washington or Lincoln, but we may be raising him or her." That is humbling. Ive decided my children must know our history, they must understand that "firm reliance on divine providence" are not just eloquent words the founders put in the Constitution, but a road map left to us by inspired men who knew we would loose our way. Men that had studied all forms of goverment and knew that when we are not a moral and religious and self governing people, this form of government does not work and we risk loosing those freedoms that they and so many since them have fought and sacrificed to preserve.
The changing of the guard was powerful and Arlington is the perfect place to reflect on Honor, and freedom and sacrifice.