In high school I tried track one season and then swore I would never be a runner; in fact I was so sure that something that hurt so bad could not be good for you. I am now training for a marathon and running is my therapy.
I always knew I wanted children but if I had known what I know now back before I had kids, they would have been an addition to 'the list'. Who wants to give yourself shots twice a day for the entire pregnancy, experience preterm labor, bed-rest, magnesium sulfate and the OR table willingly? I now have 4 beautiful children and they light up my life.
I went to high school and college and met and married Scott in Southern California and we both loved it there. We never even considered that we might be asked to make a job transfer, let alone to the desert of Arizona. Scott and I have lived in Arizona for over 12 years now and there is no other place we would rather be.
I never have had the desire to try Sushi. Raw fish! Why would you eat that? I tried it for the first time about 3 weeks ago with my brother and sister-in-law; it was yummy:)
I have also told myself for years that I would never be a pet owner-at least an owner of the pets that my kids really want. I am a little obsessive of my home, I have children with allergies, I just don't have the time! All the other 'I'll never do's' have been crossed off the list-so here goes.
As I reflect on this 'list' I am amazed that in experiencing some of these things I thought I never would my life has been enriched. I am more empowered and confident and happy. This video reminds of those visa commercials that I love so much:
puppy: $75
pad and blanket: $27
chew toys: $5
dog food, treats & shampoo: $20
watching my kids reaction to meeting the new member of our family: PRICELESS
Makes me wonder: what else is on my list of 'things I thought I'd never do'?
ok that is also on my list of things i will never do...but i really wont ever do it. i am glad everyone is enjoying the newest member of your family though! it's nice to see its real and not porcelain!
I love this post! Never say never, right? :)
Oh that is just precious! Made me cry watching their reaction. Sweet memories! You'll have to record your kids when their new shoes get chewed up or when they have to clean up the poo-poo in the back yard. Might be a totally different reaction don't you think?
Oh I love Brooklyn's reaction!! How sweet! They really wanted a dog! I am so glad you got one for them.
And I always said never to a marathon and I am glad I am doing it. I like your analogy. Good post.
That reaction is priceless. I still say I will be grandma:) Anytime you need a babysitter..
oh my goodness that seriously brought tears to my eyes! Your kids are sooooo cute. Fun, Fun!
oh that's adorable! I love their reactions- truly priceless. How fun!
I'm shocked you got a dog:) Sariah loves watching the video over and over! Brook, you're adorable - will there be tears too when pulling doggy duty in the grass? That's okay! Part of being a kid is having a dog! We are super excited for YOU guys!! We'll see if our day ever comes... For now we can let our kids get a dog fix with "Sophie". I'm glad now we didn't name Isabella, Sophie. I had thought about it and it could've been wierd:)
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