Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our baby turns 11!

Happy Birthday Bucko!!. On January 6th 1998 at 2:36 am you came into the world and your Mom and I knew our lives would never be the same. You were scrawny and had a funny little nose but you could not have been more beautiful to us and I think we both cried for a week. Since then we have watched you grow into a handsome, expressive, spiritual and kind young man. You are a blessing from God and the means by which he has taught us countless lessons. We hope you have a great day and know how much you are loved.

Mom and Dad

Clayton Nicknames: Buttless Peanut, Bucko, Handsome Jack, The Gentle Giant

Favorite Clayton memories:

Reading the book “Owl Moon” to him every night before bed at 1-2 years old. One of Clayton's many favorites was reading: he would point up in his closet and say "Wanna wead a book?"

His perfect lion and dinosaur imitations. 3 to 4 years old.

Clayton was 3 years old and his Mom was trying on bras in a dressing room in Victoria Secret and he was parked in a stroller just outside. He asked her loud enough for the entire store to hear “Mom, are you going poo poo in there!”

Clayton’s loved looking through wildlife books since he was little. When his Jr primary teacher was teaching the class a new song she brought out a picture of what she thought was a blue bird to use as a visual aid. Looking at the picture confused he raised his hand and said, “ that is not a blue bird, it is a Belted Kingfisher”. He was right!

Everything made us smile, even blowing bubbles...

1st Christmas and oh so handsome...

Diving for spoons with dad at 18 months...

Who couldn't love that face?...

"I am the mountain lion!"...

Such an amazing big brother...

Our Spiritual Giant!


Tricia said...

Happy Birthday Clayton! We wish we were with you today to give you a big birthday hug. I LOVED reading all the fun memories of you. I can't believe your Mom would poo poo in a dressing room :)! The bird in primary was my favorite...I can just picture it :)! We love you and miss you!

Tifani said...

I remember him in primary and I could just eat him up. He is such a handsome young man and I can't believe how fast they grow up. I miss you guys so much

Heather said...

Mr. Clayton!

Eleven and going on twenty-five! We are so proud of the handsome, smart, funny, and adventurous young man that you are. We are so grateful that you are OUR nephew and cousin. Happy Birthday Clayton!
Love, Uncle Heath, Aunt Heather, Nick, Hayden, Dyl, Meg, and Seth

jenny said...

Happy Birthday Clayton! I am still blown away with your amazing testimony. You are such a great example.

I can't believe how much he looks like Nathan when he was little!! Hope you had fun at the movies.

anna said...

Happy Birthday Clayton!! We're grateful for your association in our lives and especially for the great friend you are to Bryson. You're an awesome example to our family!

Stevens Family said...

OK the primary comment was so perfect! So Clayton! I remeber that boy... Such a smarty pants... watch out in a couple of years he will be a know-it-all!

Beach Mommy said...

Hey Bucko!!
Happy 11th birthday. I guess we were a bit ahead because we thought you had returned from your mission already! We love you so much. I can't believe the first time I met you, you were 6 months old! If our kids turn out to be anything like you, we'll be proud! Happy Birthday Clayton - love Uncle Pat and Aunt Genine, Colten, Noah, and Sariah