After 4 years of dedication and a lot of hard work Clayton has his Jr Black belt. He tested yesterday at his dojo for 6 grueling hours. I dropped him off at 8 am and we left the dojo at 2:15 that afternoon. His test began with a run, all juniors have to run a mile in under 10 minutes, and Clayton came in first with a time of 7:21. He then had to do what seemed like endless push-ups and sit-ups followed by correctly demonstrating all punches and kicks and verbally answering questions about technique and the history of Isshinryu karate. Clayton then had to perform, more than once, all six of the Kata's that he has memorized; I added a video clip of his Ku San Ku Si Kata, this Kata is done with his weapons called Si. Clayton then had to defend himself against his Sensei's using techniques he has learned the last 4 years (He said this was the most intense part of his day). He then had 5 sparring matches, one right after another (sparring is like a game of tag using kicks and punches). He ended the day breaking boards and by this time the kids were so exhausted that many of them were emotional and frustrated. It is important for the Sensei's to see that the kids have it in them to find the strength and determination despite their exhaustion to perform well. Last night he was recognized at a banquet for all his hard work and he was presented with his black-belt. I typed in his awards speech and as always we were so impressed with his thought process, maturity and expression of gratitude. I am humbled often at the responsibility I have to parent this great spirit. Clayton I am thankful for this opportunity to recognize and honor you.
"This will be a day I will always remember. The years of hard work have paid off and today I get to be recognized for those efforts. I got emotional today but I could not help it. My black-belt test meant a lot and was very hard but everything in life that is good requires sacrifice and hard work. I am thankful for Sensei Shannon and the other Sensei's for training me in Isshinryu Karate because I know the lessons in discipline I learn in the dojo can be applied to many areas in my life. Though it is hard work, I think I speak for all the student when I say it was also a lot of fun. I would also like to thank my family for all of their support."
Clayton, you are AWESOME!!! That takes a lot of hard work and dedication. We are very proud of you. You are an example to our whole family. We wish we could have been there to see you do all your cool moves. Congratulations!!
Hey Clayton, this is Sawyer. You rock dude! I'll call if I need you to kick someones butt for me. I wish I could do all that AAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAA stuff!
Way to go Clayton! What a huge accomplishment!
Clayton Andrew, you are so AMAZING!
I am so proud of your working so hard and receiving your black belt. It took such inner strength and determination!! Papa and I were so proud to be at your banquet to see you receive the reward of such an outstanding honor!! WE LOVE YOU!!
Clayton you are awesome and we can't wait to see some of your moves in 2 weeks!! Noah came up behind me while I was reading this blog and shouted, "It's Clayton!!" Your cousins love you too and also can't wait to see you bucko. Love you tons!
Congratulations, I know you have worked very hard for that!
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